I teach music at four schools: Queensborough, SUNY Purchase, Juilliard, and an after-school program in the Bronx. One by one, the pillars of my world evaporated last week as they each shifted their classes online to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. School leadership calls this practice “distance learning.”

I love being in the classroom, seeing my students’ faces — whether they’re smiling or not. Teaching for me is about connecting with people and helping them find their own connections with the ideas and skills we study. There’s a moment when you watch an idea spread across someone’s brain — the muscles in their face shift, and their eyes take on a new color. Those connections are much harder to make online.

This is the adjustment we have to make in order to ensure that the most vulnerable among us can remain safe — it’s part of living in a society that we all make compromises in order to live together. Knowing that doesn’t make it any easier, though.

A newspaper clipping about adjustments to classrooms from California in January 1919, during the Spanish Influenza outbreak which infected 500 million people worldwide and killed between 50 and 100 million.

Amidst refreshing Twitter, calling my friends and family around the world, and reading notes from you, I’ve spent the last few days going through a range of emotions: anxiety, sadness, worry, frustration. But I also found ways to connect with other musicians who are each facing different challenges — and coming up with new solutions — as their work evaporates.

I want to share with you a few stories from around the musical world of what’s happening for other musicians right now. Some of their concerns might be the same as your concerns. Maybe something of the obstacles they’re facing are things you would have never considered.

Loss of all income

We’ll take a closer look at the economics of music making in an upcoming discussion post, but the closure of all presenting venues, large and small, has a huge ripple effect in lost income for musicians, coming without warning and without precedent.

By all accounts, the next few weeks or months will be financially catastrophic for many musicians.

Some organizations have made a promise to pay the musicians they’ve hired for gigs through June, even though these concerts won’t take place. This list is long, but there are many other concerts that were simply canceled, with no chance for the musicians hired to ever receive payment for the work they put in to prepare for those concerts.

My approach is to be kind and as understanding as possible. I curate a concert series in Brooklyn and had booked an artist to play on March 14. I postponed the show on March 12 and paid the artist for his time — when we reschedule the gig later this year (fingers crossed), I know he’ll put on a great show then.

Creating new resources

Musicians in New York City have created a Facebook group to share resources, tips, and advice for getting through a possible stretch of several weeks with zero income. Other musicians across the country have contributed to a shared Google doc with help and advice for people whose income comes mostly from freelancing (it grew so large they turned it into a website). Other musicians are working together to promote their music through Twitter, working to make new connections with people they can collaborate with in the future, and sharing best practices for individuals and organizations.

New musical interactions

One group of musicians is exploring ways to make music online, together, without being in the same place or time. You can check out their new Discord here.

Another group is coordinating to livetweet concert events and share the musical experience with others. They started a new Twitter account just for this purpose: @Listentogether2

The Society for American Music has also created a new digital platform for music researchers to present their work to others, which would otherwise be impossible with the cancellation of conferences this spring. SAM will let a different musicologist present their work every day.

Dark humor

One of the easiest ways to curb transmission of all diseases is to wash your hands thoroughly. Twenty seconds — the recommended time you should spend lathering at the sink — is a long time! Singing a song to yourself as you do can help you meet the time limit, and people have been using a PSA-style poster to personalize with some of their 20-second song lyrics (Oprah’s website helped spread the word).

Other musicians are composing 20-second long pieces that you can wash your hands to.

A touch of light

In Italy, where a lockdown has been going on for almost two weeks (and is scheduled to end on April 3, assuming infection rates decrease), neighbors have been singing to each other through their open windows (click through for a charming video), finding a sense of solidarity and community through music.

Final thoughts

The world we live in touches upon music making in many ways — just as music making touches the world in which we live. Feel free to share adjustments or innovations you’ve seen in just the first week of closures and social distancing here in the City. They’ll all affect how music gets made, is heard, and experienced.

-Dr. J.

PS – There are still ways for you to experience classical music performances during this shutdown. The concerts page has been updated with links to a variety of free streaming performances so you can still get an aspect of the concert-going experience.

A reasonable fear in all this is that, instead of embracing a new opportunity to reach and educate audiences, the same music will get played as it always does (i.e., the “famous” composers), even when marketing departments can’t blame a fear of decreased ticket sales on the lack of music by female, minority, or other marginalized composers.

61 thoughts on “Music and COVID-19

  1. Hi guys,
    I hope everyone is safe. The news about COVID-19 are going crazier each day. Tomorrow all restaurant, museums, concerts and clubs will be close and we do not know how long this will be..
    Even tho everything is becoming panic and intolerance with each other, I think is great how different communities are working together to overcome this issue. I liked in this discussion where it says “Musicians in New York City have created a Facebook group to share resources, tips, and advice for getting through a possible stretch of several weeks with zero income.” like musicians other networks and fields are trying in some way to create new strategics to get over this virus. And that’s the kinda of light that humanity needs now.
    By the way I am still trying to enjoy and embrace this online experience but the first few days after school cancel classes on campus i was afraid to check my email and find tons of email from different professors. What was your experience when you find out we not longer meeting at school?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I was extremely confused and perhaps a bit too relaxed at first… I thought everything would sort itself out in a week or so, but I forgot to keep up with deadlines and soon realized everything was going to be a bit messier than I imagined. I just hope everything goes smoothly for the rest of the semester. This “distance learning” shift will hopefully be a good experience and less of a mess going forward.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’m right there with you Paula. I couldn’t check my email, I still find it overwhelming, and I’m anxious about how this whole online experience is going to work… I hate anything to do with online learning, I get easily distracted and I have no idea how to organize everything when there is information on blackboard, emails, and now even more websites that my professors are sending. I’m going to try to get all of my information organized, maybe write everything I need to down for each class just so I can look at it all in one place. I’m not sure. Have you figured a way to organize yourself?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think it’s a good idea to write down everything to see all the Information in one place but my experience was the same. There were so many new dates for assignments and new websites to check out but I’m trying to keep up hope everyone else stays safe and good luck

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I’m honestly going to miss sitting in class with all of you guys and having Dr. J doing those group exercises and playing music for us, but this will be a new experience for us doing these online classes.. But hopefully, this virus will die down so that we can all be we can be in class again before the semester end.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I agree. I hope everything passes, and passes by quickly. It was fun being in class with you guys!


    4. I was honestly very overwhelmed. The amount of emails I received from my professors and the college itself was insane. I thought everything would be fine in a few weeks, I didn’t think it would get THIS far. I’m still currently trying to figure out how to handle the online classes. I hope everyone is safe!


      1. The emails killed me girl! I have a migraine right now with all the responding back and forth, it’s crazy. But we will get through this together honestly. I may not be able to see you, but that’s what the internet is here for lol. Stay safe, that 20 second rule will finally be followed!( lol).


      2. I agree with you. I used to always say I prefer online classes all the time. Now Im just second guessing because Im getting headaches from all these emails and what different teachers expect.


    5. OMG I was scared to look at my emails too but it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, dont you think?

      Liked by 1 person

    6. Hey Paula! Same here. Initially when I heard that classes will all be online for the rest of the semester, I was excited. I don’t have to go on campus. My happiness then turned into anxiousness, because I realized how difficult it’s going to be to get work done.There’s now more distractions! So I hope to stay focused during this time, let’s see how it goes.

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    7. I am honestly already bad at keeping due dates with seeing professors in person so this is already taking a toll on me. I don’t check emails or anything so I have no clue how I am going to bring my grades up for this semester.


  2. Hey everyone how are you guys, with the spread of COVID-19 is affecting New York City immensely. With that staying clean is very important. With the washing of hands to be at 20 seconds, some people will forget about the 20 seconds, but with the PSA porters being set up it is a good idea for people to read and be more informed about washing their hands for 20 seconds. I know that they are going to be posted up mainly in around buildings but what they should do is that they should have one where the sinks are too so that when people are washing their hands they can read along with it too. what do you think guys should public bathrooms should have those PSA posters where the sinks of the public bathrooms near them?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that would be a great idea its very minimalistic so it wouldn’t be a hassle, it would definitely inform people more efficiently then if they were placed outside of the bathrooms.


  3. Freelancers must have it rough during these times. Music must be a difficult profession to work with if you’re not extremely popular or well-known through your music. The virus has made it difficult for people who rely on in-person interactions to provide for themselves. I hope these people can make it through these times and come back stronger with music than ever before.

    Instead of asking a question about music this week though, I want to ask everyone how their experience with “distance learning” has been so far. How have you guys dealt with the situation? Do you still keep up with deadlines and communicate with your professors? How are you expected to deal with your courseload going forward?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. at first, it was hard to get everything on track because of the nonstop emailing with all of my classes but after sitting down and reading each announcement it because easier and more clear on what I have to do for now on. yeah I am keeping up with my deadlines and communications with my other professors is pretty good don’t have to ask much since they post everything I need to know on blackboard. how about your experience with this situation so far?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. hi cardi,
      Distance learning is a little overwhelming because I’ve never done this before. I haven’t replied to any emails yet i have to get on top of that this week. I’m trying to start writing my courseload and due dates in a notebook to try to keep up.


    3. Hi Cardi! hope your doing well, and safe. When reading this article and seeing your comment about not being popular in the music industry (referring to the musicians) It made me think about how often there are many other workers who are left out of the picture as well, that play a big role in concert arenas or the music industry. Such as the sound people, the cleaners of the stages, those who operate lighting and other backstage jobs, to make sure our experience at these concerts are phenomenal and smooth. They have also lost their jobs, yet is anyone discussing means of payment for them? Not taking away the light from musicians of course. Just something I wanted us to think about, and really discuss how interconnected so many jobs and functions of society are.


  4. Hi guys. Hope all of you and your families are well and safe. I found the fact that people in Italy were singing to each other through their windows to be a beautiful display of support and community especially during such a rough time. I was at the grocery store the other day and saw two people fighting over a box of pasta, so it was refreshing to see people coming together even in the music world. Like Paula, I too was very overwhelmed with the news of shifting to an online learning experience and was horrified to open my emails. I’m not too sure how this is going to work and this class is the only one that has continued since the shut down so I have no idea what its going to be like… I’m anxious to say the least. Has anyone else continued with their classes online or have experience taking classes through Blackboard collaborate?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello Everyone, hoping everyone is taking every precaution necessary to avoid this crazy COVID-19.
    As you all know we had an assignment to go to see a musical performance. I was so excited to finally get a chance to see an Opera in person. I had gotten my ticket for Friday and was all ready to see La Traviata at the Met at Lincoln center. You can imagine how I felt when I started to hear about all the closings. I had not yet received any notification about any cancellation until Thursday. To say that my heart was broken was an understatement. I was disappointed, but I could not begin to imagine what that effect would have on the performers. You perform to get paid, right? What will they do? How will they work? These are the questions that were running through my head. I cannot begin to imagine how they are feeling. My work is one that can be done remotely. I can continue to get paid if we have to be quarantined. I feel terrible for all the people who have to deal with the aftermath of all this.

    Everyone stay safe!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey everyone, I hope things are well with you and your families!
    The past week has been extremely hectic, shutting down schools, cancelling events. Celebrities all over the world are losing income due to the Coronavirus. It’s heartbreaking to know that this has become a global epidemic and people are losing their lives. I hope things get better, and people are able to feel at ease. With the virus going around, what can we do to overcome it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Everything has been so crazy its starting to feel somewhat surreal. Not only are celebrities losing money, many small business owners, etc. I think everyone just needs to take the necessary precautions such as washing their hands, social distancing, etc and most importantly remain calm.


    2. The best thing we can do is just stay home and make sure we be as hygienic as possible to stop the spread of the virus. When I found out school was closed, I thought I was just gonna be out with the boys the rest of the semester. I thought as young people, we would be immune to the disease, however younger and younger people have caught the virus and even if it doesn’t really damage us, we put our older loved ones at risk by exposing them to it. It’s frustrating, but we just have to stay home and stay safe until this pandemic ends.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. hey guys, I hope everyone is okay.
    If I’m being honest I didn’t take the COVID-19 seriously until i saw celebrities get the virus and the news started talking about cases in New York. It’s crazy how you walk into a supermarket and everything is gone like water, can food and cleaning supplies. Many people took advantage of this situation and raised the prices for hand sanitizers and other items which is fucked up. Changing to online classes is definitely going to be overwhelming and I was bummed out they switched it to online because I like going to school. Also they closed basically everything so there’s not much you can even do outside.
    I feel so bad for those musicians that are jobless right now due to the COVID-19. It’s nice that they have a page to help each other with tips to try to get through this difficult time. I find it crazy that Italy is quarantine because I had planned to go their for this winter break but ended up not going because of my internship. idk how i would react if i was stuck there.
    How would you guys feel if you were quarantine in NY?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello guys! Hope everyone is still in good spirits, even amidst this disaster that has forced us to change the course of our lives. I honestly am not gonna lie, I hate distance learning. Everything now seems weird, and a lot of my teachers are changing a lot of the grading policies and curriculum. Especially for certain classes (like math) I am horrified because I need to see what the professor is doing to understand. Anyways, just wanted to know what are you guys coping mechanisms for these stressful times? mine is writing everything down on paper so it can make sense.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi Everyone!!
    Hope you all are safe and are taking the necessary precautions to avoid this Corona Virus. At first I thought this virus was gonna die down in a couple days/weeks. However, now that schools, restaurants, etc are closed it’s starting to get a little weird for me. Transitioning to online classes has been most challenging for me. I’ve been procrastinating so much with my work and everything else. However, I know I will get on top of things once I start planning and managing my time wisely. What are some of the challenges you guys are facing during this time ?


  10. Hi everyone , the increasing numbers of Coronavirus case in new york is becoming a serious issue for everyone. The only way to combat this is to keep clean, most people dont realize that you have to wash your hand for 20 seconds at minimum. I was think that it should be mandatory to disinfect your hand when u enter public places and when u exit the train stations especially. What do u guys think about the mandatory disinfection in public places?

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  11. Hey everybody ! I hope everyone is safe and healthy. The corona virus is increasing day by day.Around the world basketball gyms, jobs, stores, subways etc are starting to close and the news said I guess in the next week or two we will be under quarantine. I’m still confused on why the coronavirus is the biggest one being taken into action since we had plenty of other viruses before. For example, like Ebola and the swine flu. But besides that I see and I like how people around the world are working together to die down the issue.
    I am still trying to figure out this online thing. This will be my first full online experience. I already have headaches because I’m receiving all these emails from different professors and each professor wants different expectations. When they moved classes online did you guys think it was going to be a better thing to do ?


  12. The corona virus is a serious problem in New York right now and hopefully it passes by sooner than later. This is my first time taking a fully online class and by the amounts of emails I am receiving from professors are overwhelming and I will definitely much rather be in the class classroom.


    1. hey I agree with this post I think I rather much be in a classroom I feel like with these online classes you start to lose track on your assignments and when there due. This is also my first time taking an online class hopefully we all get through this and everyone is safe and healthy.


  13. Aaaw this disease is taking away alot of income. Even retails peoples hours are gettin cut in half. They are making little to no money. Surviving these next few weeks is going to be a real struggle for all freelance/business owners. I hope everyone get through this safe. The streets in my town look like a ghost town and were not even on lockdown but I think its due to the fact that all the stores and restaraunts are closed early. Are restaurants by your city closing early? I know that some restaurants in Brooklyn are open till late but youre only allowed to take out.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with you Destella I feel so bad for these buisness there making little to no money I feel like were in a movie right now my neighborhood is like ghost down nobody anywhere, everything closed down this is just crazy. Please stay safe

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    2. I know that personally since I work in a pharmacy my hours aren’t getting cut, infact they need me more lately which is making things kinda crazy. Hopefully things slow down soon but it just comes with this whole adjustment process


  14. hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well and self quarantined. This virus has shifted increasingly in the past couple of weeks. It continually takes away our peace of mind, our regular day to day schedules and our jobs. In my queens area the streets are ghost towns at times its usually packed. In my opinion we have a well crappy president that takes nothing seriously not even himself. At this point we are protecting ourselves we should try our best at social distancing and hope we can all overcome this.

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  15. hey everyone I hope everyone is safe and healthy through this disaster right now. This virus has been getting bigger and bigger each and everyday. I truly can’t believe this it seems like an actual movie of nobody being on the street. For example I was getting food with friends the other day and we totally forgot we can’t eat in there because its pickup and delivery only. This has become something very serious I hope everyone is staying safe and everyone is healthy. What going on in every else is neighborhoods? is it a ghost town?


  16. To all my peers going through a tough time hang in there. Try to stay productive inside your house so you Can distract yourself and keep yourself busy during these tough times. This virus is serious and has effected all of us due to stores shutting down and entertainment events cancelling. I wish everyone good luck I know online classes can be a little hard.


  17. Hello everybody, hopefully all is well.

    I am not really paranoid about the virus but it is very stressful. I had to take time off with work and my family is so paranoid about it. In addition, it is hard to focus at home when your bed is right next to you. I’ve never really been a very productive person nor was I good at time managing. I guess this situation is going to help me work on it. I couldn’t really work on it before cause it felt like I had to run back and forth all the time but now that I’ve got all the time to myself, I need to learn to organize it.

    Anyways, everybody stay safe! Just make sure, stay clean, do not touch your face nor wounds randomly, stay out of crowded places, and if someone coughs then stop breathing and RUN!

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  18. Hey everyone it has been a crazy week so far and I hope everything is going well with everyone. It will be a challenge being switched to distance learning but this could also be an opportunity for everyone to see how we can adapt to the new way things are.
    There will be many ways to experience music from home we just have to see how with the resources provided to us. Let’s not let Covid-19 stop music from influencing us.
    One question I could pose is: is there any type of music that gets people’s mind focused? I know for me there are some playlist I’ll put on just to focus so if you need that just put it on to maybe focus better from home.


  19. Hey guys! I hope everyone stays safe during this time. I’m sure everyone was caught off guard, with this virus going around. I honestly didn’t think ,it would spread to the extent, like it did wow. I’m sitting at home thinking, how much I complain I have school and work. Now I miss school and work, because it kept me busy. I miss hanging out with friends, and as well traveling.Sometimes we take things for granted, we don’t realize how much these things mean to us,until we’re not able to do for a while . I really do hope things get better soon!What are some things you guys miss doing?

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    1. Not gonna lie I miss going to school my classes were really hands on so its hard to take them online. Learning online is not the same too many problems. Also it is too relaxing doing work from home, I get too lazy and end up falling asleep or going on Netflix.

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  20. this “quarantine” has allowed me to pick up hobbies and different things that I used to do but don’t have the time to do anymore. I’ve been trying to occupy my time by learning new skills like new languages (barely lol) and cooking new meals. I’ve rediscovered my creative side and I have also focused more on my health (mental and physical) but I am still looking forward to going out and just having the freedom to go anywhere and do anything again. please stay safe and look after your loved ones.

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  21. Hey everyone, I was really surprised to see how much the Corona Virus spread and how big of a deal it became. I honestly expected it to be solved in just a few weeks but after seeing the numbers of people infected everyday, it seems like it will take longer than just a few weeks to solve. This incident caused both negative and positive on my everyday life. I am kind of worried that this distance learning thing will make me too laid back and lazy. But on the other hand, this gave me the opportunity to focus on my hobbies more like practicing piano or practicing my programming skills.

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  22. Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. This has been what it feels like the longest and worst 1 and a half weeks of my life with no sports and not being able to do my everyday things and all. I could have never seen this coming and the worst part is I can’t really see where the end is either. I just want to go back to my normal life when all of this wasn’t happening lol. The no sports part is really the part that hurts most. I can say for sure that I will never take the little things in life for granted ever again. What is the worst part about this quarantine for you guys? Im sure everyone is taking this differently and has a different story to tell.

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  23. Good afternoon, I hope everyone is being safe and taking all the necessary precautions in this pandemic. I’ve tied washing my hands while singing the lyrics to bohemian rhapsody and ended up washing my hands for about two minutes. I also discovered that I don’t have such a beautiful singing voice outside the shower. With that being said, I found this to be a very interesting read because during this pandemic, I feel as thought we’ve only been thinking mostly about ourselves and how to survive but its also good to give thought to others who are also dealing with this situation. I knew it was challenging for musicians but after this COVID19 lock down, I was able to see through this reading, some of the struggles they must deal. What are some things that we as non-musicians can do to help while also dealing with the situation at hand?

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  24. Hi everyone, I just read the news, apparently there is a vaccine developed in China and it will be distribute to other medical institutions to being test out starting in April. the search for coronavirus vaccine becomes a global competition, US, China and some European countries are trying to find a cure to this worldwide crisis, so hopefully we will be able to go back to our daily activities soon.


    1. I am hearing that the medicine called remdesivir, which was used to treat E-bola is showing positive results. They need to test in on bigger sample group before they can be certain though.


  25. Hey guys, hope no one’s going crazy being isolated at home all day. Music has provided a type of escapism in our current crisis. Since I’ve just been stuck at home, I decided to look up new artists and new music in order to keep myself from getting bored. Musicians have even took to social media to live stream their own mini concerts in order to bring some light to their fans. Other than music, there’s been a lot of memes going around pertaining to quarantine, COVID-19, and online class which are pretty dark at times but are pretty humorous and help us get through these tough times. I hope everyone’s safe and has been washing their hands for 20 seconds. By the way, what music have you guys been listening to help pass the time at home?

    Liked by 1 person

  26. hello everyone.
    The whole virus situation is crazy right now. people in Italy not being able to come out and may people dying. In El Salvador, a third wold country with zero coronavirus cases as of now shut down their airport and people will not pay their bills for a month and will be payed by their presidents own money. As of now the best way to be protected is to stay home and avoid contact with people and also keep yourself clean because if you are careless, the virus will get you. i like the fact that some musicians made a song for you to wash your hands with. what do you thinks about liquors stores being name an essential to our life???

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  27. Hello everyone I hope all of you are doing well,
    To be completely honest I still can’t believe what’s going on around the world. Watching the news, finding out about the death toll, total number of people tested positive around the world, lack of medical equipment all of this is making me very anxious. But I am trying my best to stay positive. As of Friday, all my family members have been home. I am trying to make the most of the situation, calling friends and family making sure everyone is well informed about what’s going on and the preventative measures.
    When it comes to distance learning, I have never done it and its not going as well as I expected it to go. I thought I would enjoy staying home and thought it would be beneficial since I am saving so much time by not having to commute. But in reality, it’s actually quite difficult. Since the public schools are closed all sister’s children are home and they can be quite distracting. I also miss the interaction that happened in class in short online classes are not for me. I am also finding it hard to focus since I am locked in the house, but listening to music and looking out the windows to the empty street is bring me comfort for some reason. I am able to escape the reality for brief period of time when I have my headphone plugged in and I don’t hear anything but the sound of my music.


  28. Hello Everyone,
    I hope all is well, this is my first time posting so ill be short, and simple. This pandemic hit us in ways we did not expect/ took lightly. Many small businesses near my house are closed, and major stores have empty shelves.Most( if not all) jobs are telling workers not to come in. However, just like any pandemic we will get stronger and learn more about ourselves and others.


  29. First, the impact of the epidemic on the global economy and development is enormous. No matter which industry suffered, including the music industry. The first thing we have to do is to protect ourselves from infection, and second, we can also listen to music at home and learn music. Music can relieve our stress and anxiety.


  30. Hey everyone, it feels weird I feel like this is a weird fever dream and none of this real. I just saw a video of military tanks driving through Times Square, so it’s getting scarier everyday. I haven’t left my house for about 4 days now, my job is still open but I did a two week absence because I was feeling really bad these past few days. But this quarantine still doesn’t stop people’s creativity I’ve seen a lot of beautiful art created throughout social media. I saw a live performance on Instagram Live by Swae Lee which is very different, he was really into it. He would invite people to the “stage” so he would let them join the live, I have heard of other artists doing it but this is the only one I’ve seen. Would you rather a free online performance or a live show that you have to pay? Honestly just hope everyone is safe and sound.

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  31. Good Night everyone. This has been a very long stressful week for me. Between work and school Im starting to get anxiety and becoming very frustrated with life in general. I wish this covid-19 didnt occur when I decided I could handle 6 class. Im at the point where I want to drop everything because Im about to have a whole mental breakdown. Its crazy what’s going on around the world and Im honestly shocked at the way things are happening. But I’m going to make this short and simple. I hope everyone is staying safe and being smart and cautious so this can be over ASAP! Covid-19 feels like a dream honestly. Wish I could go to sleep and wake up and it’ll be over but I could only dream 🤣. I had no idea how much this virus has impacted musicians and it breaks my heart reading the twitter post from Stephanie Lamprea. Make me want to help her in anyway I can. I could only imagine how she feels honestly. Everyday someone is dying and our population is decreasing. I actually just started day 1 of staying inside and I’m absolutely bored out of my mind. I have so much work to do especially with school and I’m completely lost with where to begin. I just hope this pandemic is over with soon so life can go back to normal. Does anyone find themselves struggling trying to stay calm in this situation? Or is it just me? Also is anyone hating this online learning ? Anyone feeling very overwhelmed? Don’t worry your not alone 😭.


  32. @Andy the worst part about this quarantine is being home with my father and sister. I don’t know what’s more annoying sitting in traffic or my family.


  33. Dang yall we really on lock down, I went to keyfood to by a pack of water they wont even let me take more than one case home. They really make you put the extra cases back too its really crazy. All the eggs were sold out as well that kinda pissed me off. Like mad people really got out of bed just to buy eggs smh dont make no sense. Wash your hands yall I dont lick no subway poles, keep your tongues in your mouth. Its really getting ridiculous out here, stay in ya house and get some things done all we got is time. WE GOT THAT QUARANTINE TIME.


  34. @manzanob I don’t think liquor is essential honestly. There is a lot of alcoholics and I feel like liquor stores being opened in a crisis like this especially telling us to stay home gives people the option to go out and buy liquor to drink since they don’t really have anything productive to do. So it’s like the liquor store being opened is an encouragement.


  35. Where yall buy your groceries from? Any body selling hand sanitizer? What yall doing with all this free time?


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