Welcome to the instructor-led online discussions for Mu 101 (Spring 2019)! Each week, you’ll discuss a topic together based on a reading I provide for you here. Our first week’s discussion will be a little different, though, and consist only of ideas generated by you in response to the questions below. Think of this first online discussion as an ice breaker, a chance to share resources, and a way for you to set the tone for how you want our (online) time together to go this semester.

  • What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
  • What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
  • After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?

Notice that all of these questions are broad and open-ended—this is a classic “Dr. J.” prompt, and you’ll see many prompts like this over the semester. You can (and should!) take these questions in as many (surprising) directions as possible, and don’t feel limited by how they’re worded, and certainly don’t try to answer all of them. That’s how you contribute the most to the conversation, and that’s how we all learn together.

Refer to the handout you received the first day of class (click on this highlighted text to go to that page our class website) that describes the amount and kinds of contributions you’re expected to make to these online discussions — they’re all the same parameters of good conversation that happens offline, too!

I look forward to seeing what you write and how this semester will unfold!

-Dr. J.

33 thoughts on “Our best practices (Online discussion Jan 25-Feb 3)

  1. Question:

    What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?


    For me, some of the things that make a classroom, or an environment welcoming and conducive to learning is one in which classmates and professors treat one another with respective and everyone welcomes different ideas and opinions about the subject being discussed. Furthermore, a classroom where everyone has a positive and friendly attitude towards learning and also one in which they enjoy listening to different perspectives is one that is very welcoming and ideal for me. In addition, if we all agree and make a conscious effort from the beginning to be model students and classmates, then that in turn, will make this class a very effective and highly successful one where all of us get the most out of it.

    Lastly, I think that a project involving composing of a song that we can then all sing together and share with all of QCC to demonstrate the power of music would make this class all the more interesting.


    What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?


    To excel in my education, I personally believe that the very first thing I focus on is to have is a positive attitude towards education and life in general and understand and appreciate the benefits that an education offers me. With this mind set the rest really comes naturally such as being organized, resourceful and committed to your studies. For example, I setup a study schedule that fits around my classes and personal life making sure that it allows for sufficient study time and I make sure to stick to it. I even setup reminders on my phone to both help me stick to my study schedule and also to remind me what homework, tests, papers, etc. are due soon.

    Another good practice that works well for me is to take full advantage of the academic resources that are offered in school such as tutoring services and counseling. Even if I think I have done a good job, I still go ahead and have my work critiqued and reviewed by tutors/counselors because it will serve to improve me academically…improvement never stops.

    Also, because I am a mother of two young children, I take advantage of the school’s library, labs and quiet study areas to go and study more effectively when my household is too loud.


    After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?


    This is an excellent question because on the one hand I can see how a Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail grading system enforces the idea that only “good” work can be accepted for credit/pass but on the other hand, this type of grading system does not distinguish between “good” work and “outstanding” work. However, this type of grading system also leaves the student to be his/her own strongest critic where he/she is so concerned with getting a “credit” score that they aim for exceptional work so as to increase the chances of receiving a “credit” grade instead of aiming for a “passing score” such as a C or B- on a traditional grading score.

    With this being said, “credit” to me means that the work is of exceptional quality and one that is expected of a university student and therefore such level of work is deserving of a “Credit” score. Therefore, the way I would measure the quality of my work in this class would be to make sure that it effectively and completely addresses the question or subject matter and that it is well written reflecting proper grammar and structure.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Things that make a classroom welcoming are if you know that there’s no one who’s going to judge you by your looks. If people will talk about my work and about my moves. Participation every one should feel free to participate for an example if someone in the class give a wrong answer then others should not laugh or give him or her looks . These are the first things I believe everyone want for themselves individually in classroom. Interesting topic which make you to dig more into like you feel this is something interesting. Every one should help each others. I like working in groups. In group projects or discussion you encounter with people with new and different ideas you came to know how much music they know and then you can compare it to your self which encourage you lets see if you feel like or think someone is doing better job then you . You want to do that to and plus you can ask for help or guidance from that person. I am kind of person who loves variety in music as we all from different backgrounds and cultures or countries theres alot we have do discover yet. This interesting for me.
    Best practices
    I’m not going just with homework or written work. With me when I personally experience something then i became master of it rather then just read about it or in other words study about it . If I experience something i can explain that topic better in exam sheet. I just have one method in my life to get succeed which is (Never give up) even if you fail once do it again put more passion and effort in that.
    Credit/no credit
    I will say this is not the best way to grade someone work. I’m watching this from an artistic way because you never know how i take a piece which was played in the classroom and what kind of effect it might leave on me and may be it will means alot to me what i write in my notebook about that piece what in actual that not what prof looking for or may be its close to it but not exact the original answer. But if i wrote some think which have nothing to do with that piece or i fall to linkup or explain my point then not credit is fine with me.

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  3. Doing well in class is subjective; not everyone is comfortable enough to participate and not everyone does well on tests. For me, doing well in class means understanding the material that we’ve previously been over and are currently going over. I feel like I completely understand the work when I’m able to explain it to someone else and they fully understand it themselves. The way I ensure that I’m doing well is by participating. The more involved I am in the conversation with the topic the more I can find ways to relate or just overall remember it. I also like to find a way to implement the things I learn into my life. For example, I’d start subconsciously soundscaping when listening to music or out in public.

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  4. 1. What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?

    – I have always been a firm believer that a classroom that is engaged in which each student and the professor are open with one another is the best kind of environment. Meaning, students aren’t afraid to ask questions even if they feel it is a “stupid” question. The professor should be helpful and be open about resources to help struggling student pass. This includes answering any questions that the students have, being consistent with office hours and being able to make appointments with students if they cannot make the office hours, putting the lecture slides online, and offering resources within the school that the student can go to such as tutoring.

    2. What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?

    – For me to do well in a class, I always try and get assignments closer to when they are given rather than they are due. This way I don’t stress as much later, and I know that I will have better quality work rather than something thrown together at the last minute. In class, I take notes on whatever is on the board as well as whatever the professor is saying that is important. Rewriting your notes is another good way to succeed. It allows you to have a neater, more organized notes to review at a future time and reinforces the information after you have just learned it.

    3. After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?

    – I feel that when assignments are graded credit/no credit, it makes the class much easier. However, this is not my preferred method of grading. I feel a numbered system is much better for both the student and the professor. Grading assignments from 0-100 shows if a student is doing well in the class. For the student, if they were to get a low grade, they would know to that they have to study more often and prepare assignments ahead of time. For a professor, they can see if a student is struggling and offer them resources as such. With a credit/no credit system, you don’t have this ability. A student will just see that they got credit for something and not be able to further improve on their knowledge. 

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  5. Q1: What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
    A: Things that make a classroom environment welcoming to me is receiving the encouragement by the teacher and students that are in that classroom which would make me feel very welcomed. The best that I can get out of this educational experience is applying myself to the work that I am given in class and review the material that the teacher provides me and my classmates with as I aim to be academically successfully. Together as a class we could all work with each other as like a team and support one another and also share honest opinions on each others work to see if its sounds professional and great for others to read.
    Q2: What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
    A: The best practices that I do well in a class is always show up , do the work that I am asked to get done and take jot down very important notes that may appear on a quiz or an future exam. The way that I achieve success is to apply myself and always do the best of my ability to succeed in order to do very well.
    Q3: After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?
    A: Credit to me means that by completing assignments and doing all of the work that I am given by my teacher on time would prevent me from being overwhelmed and would give me an understanding on how well I am doing in the class. Grading assignments on a scale of 0-100 would tell me if I did this essay or paper correctly just how the teacher would like it. I would measure the quality of my work I make in this class would show me what do I need to work to prove this essay to make it sound professional and unique for any peer reviews and feedback from the teacher.

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  6. Q1. A few things that make a class environment welcoming are knowing you’re classmates as music lovers also you can speak you’re mind or ideas when ever you are participating and being able to relate to others also not being judge for any comment or answer said when we are all entitle to our opinions.
    Q2. A few practices that you can do to achieve you’re best in class are being very interested in what ever the topic is also put you’re mind to it. I believe that what ever you set you’re mind to you can achieve if you are determined. also be very attentive and focused.
    Q3.i feel when assignments are graded credit/no credit it pushes you to do the best work possible somewhat of a competition with yourself due to the fact that you do not want to fail you’re expectations. assignments that should earn credit are when you can tell that the person actually tried to prove his point or tried his best to get the work done well.

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  7. 1. What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
    – What makes a classroom environment welcoming for me is being greeted with friendly, smiling faces. Knowing that I am accepted by my peers makes me feel more comfortable about sitting in a lengthy session with them even though it’s only once a week. Being attentive, present and diligent allows me to get the best out of my educational experience. I believe your effort always counts for something. Something we can do to make this class as positive and effective a space as possible is by simply having a good time. I believe enjoying the time that we have together will allow the one thing that everybody can relate to – music – to unify us.
    2. What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
    – I believe “doing well” means putting in 110% of your effort. It is so much more than just getting that A. Being able to be proud of yourself after each semester means that you did your absolute best. Never giving up and pushing myself to the finish line and turning that into a habit is important for me.

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  8. 1. What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
    It usually takes me a while to adjust in a classroom, but a way for me to feel welcomed in a classroom is when I’m able to engage with my peers.(ie group work) I generally feel more comfortable in a class room that’s louder rather than a quiter setting. A way that helps me learn better is when I see things visual and have a lot of chances to take notes. I also feel like I learn better when we get asked open ended questions because it makes me participate more.
    2. What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
    Some practices that helps me do well in a class is when I have a chance to take notes. I try to avoid procrastinating and usually get all my school work out of the way when I don’t have class.
    3. After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?
    Credit in my opinion means when you follow the professor’s standards, hand in the work on the deadline and complete, and put in effort.

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  9. In order to make an individual or group welcomed in a class, you need to have respect but also within the flow of the class there needs to be professionalism and something that connects to the students. The class needs that environment where the professor can make the class very interesting. The class environment is more interesting and better when people can say what they feel about something but discuss it without any arguments. Of course there should be respect towards other people’s opinions but handle it calmly not in complete chaos. The thing that we should do to make this class a positive and effective a space as possible is to teach us about music the way it works but have everybody get involved in terms of answering a question but not feeling bad if they get it wrong.

    The thing that allows me to get the best out of my educational experience is to study the material, do my homework, and ask questions if it were too be the professor or a tutor. Personally, you have to make sure that you understand what you are doing and learning. You should also take advantage of every opportunity not in a bad way but in a way where you do the assignments that are given to you. The person should not be afraid to say that they don’t understand something without being laughed at or judged for it. I achieve that success by not giving up and doing what I have to do to do good in terms of focusing on oneself rather than others at this point.

    Credit to me means you doing the assignment on your own. You as the student took your time through blood, sweat, and tears to finish your assignment and make sure everything was done correctly. The work that should earn credit on these assignments is answering the question but really putting in your thought to the question. It is like trying to analyze or dissect what was given to you. I would measure the quality of work I create in this class is by trying to relate things to one another like in music with having a melody that is going up in a positive and it could mean this in a run for governor, or a person trying to do really good on a test.

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  10. Q1. For me some of the things that make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming is when all students and the teacher are respectful of each other. There is no bullying, teasing, and or name calling. Basically, no one to judge others. Also, when the teacher allows everyone in the classroom to be openly expressive and encouraging. in order to really make the classroom welcoming, the professor needs to make the class interesting. Students must be engaged to learn.
    Q2. The best practices for doing well in class is attending class, doing the classwork and homework, and studying the material. To do well in class one must understand the material real well. If you don’t understand the material, there is a high chance that you will not be successful in class, you will not do well on your tests and quizzes. One should be stay organize with all assignments. You should know when your assignments are due. I achieve success by doing all these practices.
    Q3. To get full credit on a assignment is fulfilling all the requirements of the assignment. The assignment must be done by you, the one getting the credit. You should have put all your effort in the assignment in order to get the full credit. One should also hand in the assignment on the date it is due to earn credit. I would measure the quality of my work by making a checklist of the requirements of the assignment, and then checking of the requirements of the assignment that I completed.


  11. Q1. What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?

    -The online environment will become more welcoming to me if I see other people interacting by posting their views and other their responses. I become more motivated to post because it is something new to me.

    Q2. What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?

    -Doing well in class is very specific to the class that I am in at the time. Professors all have different requirements. My best practice would be listening to professor, paying attention and trying to meet their requirements.

    Q3. After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?

    -This class is very different from the other classes I have taken in the past. It is not about reading and regurgitating information. To me credit is acknowledgement of work that students has done which has met a satisfactory standard to what the professor request. Given the nature of this class, I must do things that are out of my norm. Therefore, a grade may not be given on a 1 –100 scale but at least giving credit shows acknowledgement of the work that was done because of the special attention needed to do some of these assignments.

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  12. Q1. What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
    To feel welcomed in a new class, every student might have a different point of view for how he/she would feel comfortable.For me personally, I would feel welcomed if the teacher of the class is very nice and tries to connect with the student and feels as if his/her job is not only to just teach, but also give the student a comfortable environment to learn, and this really helps in learning things more efficiently.Classmates also play a part in this because you are going to learn with them for the semester and if you don’t get along well, you will just be distracted in other things rather than focusing on your studies.So it is really important to respect one another, and help each other in any way possible to get better, since friends can teach you many things as well.
    There are many things we can do in class to make this a positive experience such as; working together in groups with other fellow classmates on classwork, and also doing other activities in class along with classwork to make the class even more fun.

    2. What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
    Doing well in class to me means that you are not just working to get good grades, but are also learning new things along the way.I usually take notes in the class so that I don’t forget the things that I learned and once I go home, revise them at least once because even that makes a really big difference as it helps to keep the new vocabulary as well as the other information stick with you for longer.Interest also plays an important role in this since, the more interested you are in the subject the more you will look into it and learn new things on your
    as well.

    3. After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?
    Credit to me means nothing less than receiving a good grade just like in any other class.For that, you will have to work hard on your assignments and put in effort in them instead of just rushing your way through thinking that all I need to do is pass whether it is in good marks or not. To receive ‘Credit’ in the grading scale, one’s work should first of all be related to the topic and then should show that the student has taken the time to write the assignment and actually has tried to get ‘Credit’ for his work.The work should also be well written and oriented in a manner that it shows the student’s effort when the result comes out.

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  13.  What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
    Answer: Things that make a classroom environment welcoming in my opinion is being able to ask questions, debate, and express myself. I feel like activities such as the stereotyping music eras activity we did would definitely help make the classroom more welcoming.
     What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
    Answer: My best practices are studying and not letting work pile up to ensure that my assignments get done correctly. Doing well in my opinion means performing to the fullest of my capabilities in anything I do. In order to achieve this success, I cannot procrastinate, and I have to stay focused throughout.
     After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?
    Answer: “Credit” to me means getting graded fairly based on the amount of work I put in. Carefully thought through, not rushed, and well written assignments should earn credit. I would measure the quality of the work I do by the time I spent on it. More time spent on something for me usually means I read over it, and checked it multiple times

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  14. Q1 : Answer :
    What makes a classroom very environment welcoming either online or in the classroom is when others respect what I have to say and don’t make gestures as if my question is stupid. When others participate in class make everything much open to other to participate as well. My best practice is to listen to the professor and take notes.

    Q2 Answer:
    Best practices for doing well in class is TO NOT PROCRASTINATE ! When we have a passages for Friday I plan to read a passage each day. and when I have essays and reflection pages to due I will just sit down on the computer and get it done.
    Q3 answer :
    I believe credit may be the attempt or acknowledgement of the students work being done to the professors expectations. This class has is very unique than any other music class I have taken. I really have to truly invest my time in the work I do at home and in class. the quizzes and test. I just need to pay special attention in each class on Friday and do my work.

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  15. 1. I feel like in the classroom it helps us get more of a better understanding of what’s being taught to us, and for the online environment I feel like it helps us learn day by day how to do researches. As a positive and effective space in the class would be very comfortable with each other we’d feel more at ease and please.
    2. My best practices for doing well in this class would be is to do everything on time and work as hard as I can to understand what’s going on. The best way for me to achieve these goals is to work towards to be successful in every way that I can.
    3. After reading the pp 6-7 I feel that is being fair towards us. I guess credit means to me that the work I did my hardest on should be credited on but it all would only depend on the professor if she believes that piece of work should be credit for me.

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  16. Question 1) What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?

    Answer 1) The ultimate liberty of self-expression. I highly believe that as members of a united community, it is essential to diminish negative structuralized norms that were created by society. Having the power to ensure a nature of understanding and acceptance within an area sparks periods of enlightenment and motivation. Due to personal experiences, I have noticed that environments that settle repressed creativity is less likely to build a passionate desire of engagement. The art of reevaluating our emotional truths, sharing our constructed revolutionary analogies starts by being given the tool of self-expression. Having the capability to think freely, express freely and endorse freely enlarges positivity and effectiveness.

    Question 2) What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?

    Answer 2) My best practices in order to do well and be successful is to gain understanding and alter my conceptions of the class. Success to me is when I have the capability to go into a discussion of what I’ve learned while backing up substantial teachings.

    Question 3) After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?

    Answer 3) Finalizing assignments and completing the given material by credit and no credit symbolizes a process that was made by my professor to lighten my duty as a student and prevent overwhelmed feelings. I’m allowed to be analyzed by the quality of my work and not as much as quantity. The beauty of it all is that it also allows me to determine my level of understanding of the course by the level of grading.
    -Carolina Rincon

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  17. Answer to Q1: Once the teacher establish a positive relationship with the class everything should be good. I’m not really fussy about the online environment but pertaining to the classroom, as long as students and the teacher’s views and ideas are respected. It would be nice if one day we took 10 minutes to walk around the classroom and introduce ourselves to each other that way people would feel more comfortable.

    Answer to Q2: My diet is very important to me, what I consume before studying or doing any homework because if don’t feed my body properly then everything will go downhill. I always stay on top of my class assignments and make sure to do as much reading as possible and never leave out the fun activities that I like to do, I have to maintain balance.

    Answer to Q3: Extra Credit? Not really fussy about this, honestly.

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    1. It’s interesting how you have to eat before doing work. I’ve heard others abstaining from food until after they’ve finished their work or studying which helps them finish things quicker or retain information better. I also agree with your mindset on the balance of fun activities and school work. I feel like you need that balance or else you’ll overwhelm yourself.

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  18. Q1: To make a classroom or online environment welcoming to is when people are polite and understanding when having conversation. To get better on the subject and to talk more about it. To introduce our self in group be more easier than entire class all at once.
    Q2: To do in class well for me is to study well but also have some breaks, studying non-stop can make you forget since all you want is to just finish it in one go. I like to listen to music while i do my work and while studying take about 1 hour than take a small breather and continue again.
    Q3: Credit to me means the work i put out and know what i am doing. The work that should earn credit would be most likely all the work is class. I would measure my work in this class on how much i understand the topic and work of it.

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  19. In my opinion, for a classroom or an online environment to be welcoming for me would involve both the interaction of the students and the professor. I think there should be a balance of professionalism and fellowship amongst the students as well as with the professor for a class to function. Also, it should be understood that everyone is on different levels when it comes to learning and comprehension. So I believe by recognizing that, as a class, each individual will be encouraged to do their best and contribute to a harmonious/successful class.
    With my idea of a welcoming class environment and how that looks like to me, I feel that the environment also encourages each individual to strive to do their best in the class. Doing well to me means to fulfill what is expected of me and I remind myself of the tasks I need to complete by creating lists. By having a classroom with a positive atmosphere, I’m more motivated to do well in and outside of class.
    In regards to how I interpret the credit/no credit policy, I feel credit should be based on the individual doing the work and proving their understanding of the work required of them. It should be a good balance of quality and quantity.

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  20. Q1_ I believe the things that make a class welcoming are the way your peer and proffesor make you feel when they are addressing to you. Great communication with your classmates and the freedom to share your ideas strengths and possible help to fight your educational weaknesses make the class feel like a family. To possibly get the best out of it is to allow students to ask as much as question possible to analyze and understand the topics of the course. In this particular class, i think that we should do more brainstorming together, listening to each other ideas about differents things and where we could be wrong and as well to grow together as a team.
    Q2_ To do well in class, i first really focus on what the professor is trying to teach and think about different ways to understand the purpose of it and it is used. i achieve that success by being really attentive in class and by cognitive analysis around the topic.
    Q3_ i believe that credit should earned by originality and how deep and particular is your thinking around the subject.

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  21. After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?
    – I believe one should earn “credit” based on whether they did the work or not, period. What is your opinion on this: do you think it’s fair for those who don’t put in as much effort in their work to get the same “credit” as those who put in twice the effort considering they both did what they had to do?

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  22. Q1: In order to make a classroom or online environment welcoming, I believe starts of with the professors energy. Energy as in the attitude the professor ha. If the professor has a welcoming positive energy then that is a good sign. Also I think in order to feel welcomed, there should be some interaction with the students. I agree that interaction with the professor and other students allows me to get the best out of my educational experience. Something we can all do together in class to make it as positive and effective as possible is maybe have conversations and deep discussions about the topics we are doing at the moment.

    Q2: believe some of the best practices for doing well in a class is not to procrastinate, ask as many questions as needed for a better understanding, do all extra credit, take as many notes as you can, and to focus.
    After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?

    Q3: Credit to me means that this kind of work will be towards the final grade. I believe Credit should be graded with a mixture between quantity and quality.

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  23. 1) For me, when i see a smiling professor that likes to make sure everyone understands the topic is an environment that makes me feel welcomed. When the topic is interesting or the lesson is entertaining, that’s when i learn best. That makes me want to pay attention and absorb the information given in the lesson. Just being respectful and mindful of others makes it a positive and effective space and environment.
    2) taking effective notes and rewriting them as a form of studying is how i do best in class. Also, i have to be interested in the topic to give it my all in a classroom. I just have to make sure i pay attention.
    3) Credit should be earned when the student or reader understands the topic or question given and shows it with the words they use. When they go into detail and fully explain their response instead of just repeating the question in a different way.

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  24. 1)Making a classroom environment welcoming would be a good safe supporting norms and respectful behavior from both student and professor. I think creativity and freedom of expression do well to get the best out any educational experience. I think that we can get the most positive if there are good vibes during class time.

    2) The best way I do well is to be on top of the assignments
    and paying attention to the professor and taking notes while learning. Also, in my preference I listen to music as I go over the class material.

    3)Credit means what completed assignments will count towards my grade, credit should be earned by how well it is done.

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  25. Q1: I feel regardless of what the class subject is, the professor is key to setting a welcoming environment. The way a professor treats their students could make the difference between a student engaging in class or underachieving in class. What allows me to get the best educational experience is knowing what is expected of me in class by following an outline of what will be done in class each day. Also, I feel when a professor asks questions often and encourage students to be active in class helps with the overall class experience. As a class, I feel asking questions and engaging in any group projects will better help us understand the class material.

    Q2: My best practices for doing well in class is studying class material the day it’s given in class. It may sound cliché, but I have to listen to music when i read over any class notes or assigned textbook readings because it helps me remember the material and stay focus. I take a lot of side notes while reading and/or studying. I have had success in my previous classes by doing this study method.

    Q3: In my opinion, receiving credit for an assignment can mean simply handing in an assignment on time or the quality put into doing the assignment. I feel credit should be given to assignments that are both done in a timely manner and shows that effort was put into the work. I measure my quality of work in class by checking my grades on my assignments because this helps me know how I am doing in class and if I need to improve in any way.

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    1. Q1: (A) The kind of things that makes a classroom (or online) environment welcoming to me is the kind of vibe the professor gives off on the first day. For example is this professor going to be extra strict and do everything by the book, is this professor kind, welcoming, lenient, and takes their time while explaining things, or do they just run through everything. Things I think about on my first day of classes are am I going to be scared of this professor, would I feel comfortable enough to talk to them about my personal feelings that might be affecting my work, would I be able to participate in class and not feel stupid for getting something wrong, is the professor going to encouraging, understanding and supportive.

      (B) Things that allow me to get the best out of my educational experiences is having a understanding, supportive, and encouraging professor. Someone who I can talk to and get advise from when I’m having a problem whether its out of the classroom or in the classroom. I find that having an instructor who gives you all the materials you need, and show you how to best use them to pass the class is very beneficial in the end.

      (C) For my first day of class, I taught it was an exciting class, because everyone was participating, nobody was scared or nervous to say what they wanted. There was a lot of positive energy in the room, and there isn’t anything I would criticize about the way the professor control the atmosphere.

      Q2: My best practices for doing well in my classes is being very attentive in class, write down everything I hear, and then going home and organizing everything based on how best I understand it. I achieve this success by reminding myself of what I want in the future, and what it requires to get to that point. I don’t like to study but I know it’s something that I have to do in order to acquire my dream job. I find that encouraging myself plays a big role in passing my classes, because if something gets difficult. I tend to doubt myself and question the path that I am on.

      Q3: Credit to me means whether or Not I would receive a letter or number grade which in the end would help or hurt my chances of passing the class. I think the kind of works that should earn credit is how best the student was able to understand the task through their writing. I think it’s not about the quantity but about the quality that prove whether the student understand the work or not and how long they spend coming up with their ideas. I believe a trained professor is able to decipher when a student is trying to get a free pass or whether they really did the work by putting the time and effort into it. The way I would measure the quality of work I create in the music class is how well I understood the assignment and how close is it to the idea that my professor has in her head.

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  26. Q1: The sort of things that make a classroom’s environment welcoming is having everyone being respectful to others and others opinions. What allows me to get the best out of my education is good communication between the professor and the students. What we can do in class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible is to have group conversations.
    Q2: My best practices for doing well in a class is to read the syllabus and write down future assignments in a planner and study as much as I can for any class. Separating my free time and time to do school works helps as well.
    Q3: For me, “Credit” means if you submitted an assignment and how much effort you put into it. I measure the quality of work that I create in a class by writing down the grades that I got in assignments or exams and keeping them.

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  27. Q1: Starting a new class every semester isn’t comfortable at first, but as you start to get familiar with the class you start to feel comfortable over time. What brings a welcoming environment is the participation and cooperation we students bring. Of course, there may be other ways, but these are my main. It all comes down to time and comfort to make it a positive and effective space.
    Q2: My best practice would be focusing, I don’t really have a method other than taking short notes of everything that occurs in class. I normally flow with what happens and it may not seem helpful to many, but it does for me. Well now that I think of it, I do have one practice and it’s trying to understand how and why we get to conclusions rather than just knowing, it helps to make it easier to process later on.
    Q3: For me, Credit means a grade and I hope it’s not a trick question. Depending on the quality of work defines the grade, but the no credit would have to mean lateness since I didn’t find anything specific about it in the section. Just by reading no credit would obviously mean a “0” for the assignment grade. The quality of an assignment would have to represent a clear understanding and effort towards the assignment topic, small things like rephrasing the same idea a couple of times would show the reader that it was aiming more for quantity over quality.

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  28. 1) Question: What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?

    1) Answer: The sort of things that make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for me is to respect every classmate in the room without being judging by appearance and speaking out based on opinion on a certain subject matter, being able to work collaboratively by sharing ideas and thoughts with peers in groups in order to be comfortable with them, and asking questions without being teased or humiliated. What allows me to get the best out of my educational experience is to copy down notes that are beneficial for the class quizzes and exams so I can receive an idea of what I am expected to know when I enter the classroom. In my opinion, what we can do together in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible is to be assigned a group project and choose a topic within one of the musical time periods such as Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras where we each find certain classmates that have a common interest in one of these periods and form groups to discuss it as part of a presentation.

    2) Question: What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?

    2) Answer: My best practices for doing well in a class is to stay on top of my work by making sure all my classwork and homework assignments are 100% completed, participating in class to show how I am making an effort and progressing in class, and scheduling appointments with professor during and / or outside office hours to ask questions I would not understand so it would be cleared up. I would achieve that success by going over the syllabus assignment sheet to make sure I am not missing any assignments for each upcoming class, asking good questions or answering questions that would satisfy the professor and writing down questions in advance so when I arrive to the professor’s office, I would know what to say.

    3) Question: After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?

    3) Answer: In my own opinion, the word “Credit” means completing every assignment on time and submitting it by the deadline by putting in all my effort towards each of them by answering all the questions as best as possible. The kind of work that should earn “Credit” on these assignments is the quality of the assignment over the quantity of page count. I would measure the quality of work I create in class by investing the amount of work I spent at home so I can use my work at home to prepare myself as a guide for my contribution in class.

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  29. Question 1: What sorts of things make a classroom (or online) environment welcoming for you? What allows you to get the best out of your educational experience? What can we together do in this class to make it as positive and effective a space as possible?
    Answer: The sort of things that make any learning environment hospitable is a place that embraces acceptance, so people can openly share their ideas and view points for the sake of expanding the horizons and escalating the thought processes of all students involved in the class. I find that open discussions based off facts and examples allow me to reap the benefits of my educational experience in the most optimal way. What we can do in class to make this a positive and effective space is simply allow have open dialogues among each other (each other being the professor and the students), with our readings being the basis for our conversations, so that we all are talking and thinking about the same subject.
    Question 2: What are your best practices for doing well in a class (whatever “doing well” means to you)? How do you achieve that success?
    Answer: For me, the best practice for doing well in class is doing lots of writing exercises, because I find that to be the best way of formulating my thoughts and building upon my knowledge. My most meaningful, astute observations often take place through my writing pieces assigned to me through school. I achieve that success simply just by thinking about whatever I’m writing.
    Question 3: After reading the syllabus (pp. 6-7), you’ve learned that several assignments in this class will be graded on a scale of Credit/No Credit. What does “Credit” mean to you? What kind of work should earn “Credit” on these assignments? How do/would you measure the quality of work you create in this class?
    Answer: Credit to me means putting forth your best work, not for the sake of a grade, but for the sake of improving your classmates, and your own thought processes, so that everybody leaves the conversation with something they didn’t know or think about before. The kind of work that should earn credit is work that enhances discussion or forces us to look at things from a different perspective. I would measure the quality of work in the class as by analyzing whether I gained anything from doing this assignment, as the goal in doing anything school related is to leave at least little smarter. Basically, the goal is to be able to say “Huh, I didn’t think about it that way before,” at the end of the piece.

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  30. The answer to question 1

    I personally focus in the atmosphere of the classroom and how it’s the attitude of the professor during the first day because depending on this thing I will feel welcome to the class or not. I have a positive attitude toward every class even when I am not interesting about the class. I think that even when you do not feel comfortable in the class you should have in mind that every class is trying to build our knowledge and experience. I try to use the resources from the school like tutoring, the learning center and the office hours of the professor if I need it. Also, I put the dates of the test, papers, and projects in my planner to be organized a get enough time to do it on time. 

    The answer to question 2 

    I try to do my best in every class, I pay attention and take all the notes that I can during my classes. When I am in class, I put my phone away to not get distracted and focus on the lecture because I like to get all the knowledge that I can during class. After class,  I try to review the notes that I got in class to understand better the concepts and write if I have a question so I can ask the professor the next time. I work hard and do the best I can that’s how I achieve my success in every class. 

    The answer to question 3

    In my opinion, I think to get credit/ no credit is a different system that leaves the students can be their own critic where they are concerned that they have to do good work to get credit. For me to get credit is to do the assignment on time, answer the questions properly and read the readings. I will measure the work that I do in this class when the assignments complete all the requirements that the professor asks me. 

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